Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (2024)

Last updated 6/13/2020 (updated Road Warrior wand to level 130)

What’s the best Death gear at max level (currently level 130)?We’ve seen this question many times, so we’ve provided our recommendations about the best Death gear below, in a format to help you compare options.

We’ll take a moment to review our criteria first, since the “best” Death gear depends on your role and objectives.

  1. Our Criteria
  2. Gear Sets
  3. Recommendations by Gear Type
    1. Hats
    2. Robes
    3. Boots
    4. Wands
    5. Athames
    6. Amulets
    7. Rings
    8. Decks
    9. Mounts
  4. Sample Builds

Looking for the best gear for other schools?

Best Balance Gear

Best Fire Gear

Best Ice Gear

Best Life Gear

Best Myth Gear

Best Storm Gear

Our Criteria

We consider the gear listed below the best max level death gear if your wizard is:

  • Questing by yourself (solo)
  • Questing in a group & playing the role of a hitter, or
  • Playing PvP in an offensive or traditional role

If you are questing in a group and playing a support role (i.e., buffing the wizard that is going to hit and/or healing) or if you are playing a very defensive PvP strategy, we assume you are more interested in global resist and outgoing healing. We suggest that you check out Cody’s guide on gear with the best outgoing healing, as it includes several high-resist death gear options as well.

There are three types of recommendations, depending on your focus:

  • Damage Focus
  • Critical Focus
  • Balanced

1. Damage Focus

Typically used against opponents with high block, such as bosses.

  • Primary objective is to maximize damage
  • Secondary objectives are power pips, accuracy and pierce

2. Critical Focus

Typically used against opponents with low block, such as mobs. Some PvP builds focus on high critical as well.

  • Primary objective is critical
  • Secondary objectives are damage, power pips and accuracy

3. Balanced

Typically used in PvP or against bosses that hit hard (e.g., Storm Titan anyone?):

  • Primary objective is to provide decent damage and several helpful stats, including universal resist, power pips, accuracy, pierce and important jewel sockets
  • Many balanced items contain some critical, although it’s typically not a “critical” objective (pun intended)

Gear Set Bonuses

Gear set bonuses provide stats in addition to whatever stats the gear provides, based on how many pieces of that set you’re wearing. We list relevant bonuses here so you can consider them when selecting gear for your Wizard.

  • Death Gear Set Bonuses of Interest

Death Gear Set Bonuses of Interest

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (7)

Dragoon’s Deadly Set

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Best Death Hats

For balanced hats, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Death Hats
  • Other Death Hats of Interest

Recommended Death Hats

Reminder: Other Death hats of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (8)

Dragoon’s Deadly Helm

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (9)

Deathly Paradox Conical

Drop from Astral Forest and Storm Titan Chest

Recommended Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (10)

Krokopatra Oblivion Fez

Drop from Krokopatra Exalted Duel

Alternative Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (11)

Death Lord’s Veil of Woe

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (12)

Zamunda Tribal Helm (Level 130+)

Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack

Highest Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (13)

Mantis Cowl of Lamentation

Crafted: Recipe fromKazidan the KeenEyein Sardonyx

Highest Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (14)

Mask of Elegies

Crown Shop

Other Death Hats of Interest

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (15)

Vanguard’s Deadly Helm

Drop from Fellspawn & King Detritusand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (16)

Soldier’s Deadly Helm

Drop fromKing Detritus(and possibly others)

Alternative Damage (and good Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (17)

Alphoi Warrior Helm

Crafted: Recipe fromRomarinNimbus Citadel

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (18)

Treeminder’s Druidic Cowl (Level 130+)

Druid’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (19)

Sinister Harlequin Mask (Level 130+)

Creepier Carnival Bundle

Alternative Damage (and good critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (20)

Monarch’s Diadem

Fantastic Fairytale Bundle

High Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (21)

Hades’ Veil of Woe

Drop from Hades the Unseen

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (22)

Thunderous Karanahn Veil (Level 100+)

Pharaoh’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (23)

Valiant Jouster’s Helm (Level 120+)

Grand Tourney Gauntlet

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Best Death Robes

For balanced robes, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Death Robes
  • Other Death Robes of Interest

Recommended Death Robes

Reminder: Other Death robes of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage, Critical & Balanced (damage and critical focus)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (24)

Baleful Light Brigade Armor

Drop fromCorporal Tenni’syn

Recommended Damage, Critical & Balanced (accuracy focus)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (25)

Death Lord’s Cloak of Woe

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (26)

Bonesmasher Robe of Strife

Drop from Rattlebones Exalted Duel

Alternative Balanced (health, pierce & damage)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (27)

Turquoise Eagle’s Raiment (Level 130+)

Skyvern’s Hoard Pack (Retired) & Spellemental Skyvern Pack

Alternative Balanced (health & block)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (28)

Dragoon’s Deadly Armor

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (29)

Royal Fusilier’s Dress Coat (Level 130+)

Yuletide Pack

Other Death Robes of Interest

Alternative Damage & Critical (with Outgoing Healing)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (30)

Zeus’ Wicked Ploy Armor

Drop from Hades the Unseen

Alternative Damage & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (31)

Darkwraith’s Shroud of Penance (Level 120+)

Nightmare Pack

High Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (32)

Charred Nirini Robe (Level 100+)

Pharaoh’s Hoard Pack

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (33)

Nightfall Torment Guise (Level 120+)

Harrowing Nightmare Pack

Alternative Damage, Critical & Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (34)

Glorious Avenger’s Armor (Level 100+)

Phoenix Hoard Pack

High Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (35)

Uniform of the Condemned

House of Scales

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Best DeathBoots

For balanced boots, we prioritize universal resist.

  • Recommended Death Boots
  • Other Death Boots of Interest

Recommended Death Boots

Reminder: Other Death boots of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (36)

Dragoon’s Deadly Boots

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Balanced (with Accuracy)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (37)

Silent Knight’s Snowboots (Level 130+)

Winter Wonder Pack

Alternative Balanced (with pips)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (38)

Greaves of the Briny Deep (Level 130+)

Undersea Enchantment Bundle

Alternative Balanced (more resist)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (39)

Abyssal Warrior’s Boots

Fantastic Voyage Bundle

Highest Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (40)

Zamunda Tribal Boots (Level 130+)

Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack

Highest Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (41)

Dragon’s Eye Striders (Level 120+)

Nightmare Pack

Other Death Boots of Interest

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (42)

Vanguard’s Deadly Boots

Drop from Fellspawn & Prince Viggorand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage, Critical & Balanced

stats slightly less than Vanguard’s Deadly Boots

Soldier’s Deadly Boots

Drop fromPrince Viggor(and possibly others)

Prior Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (43)

Deathly Paradox Boots

Drop from Astral Forest and Storm Titan Chest

Prior Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (44)

Alphoi Warrior Boots

Crafted: Recipe fromRomarinNimbus Citadel

Alternative Damage & Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (45)

Cabalist Stompers of the Finality

Drop from Secret Tunnel and other bosses in Empyrea

Alternative Balanced (with block & pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (46)

Death Lord’s Greaves of Woe

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (47)

Hades’ Furtive Stalkers

Drop from Hades the Undying

Balanced Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (48)

Marvelous Avenging Boots (Level 100+)

Phoenix Hoard Pack

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Best Death Wands

For balanced wands, we prioritize pierce and critical.

  • Recommended Death Wands
  • Other Death Wands of Interest

Recommended Death Wands

Reminder: Other Death wands of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (49)

Zamunda Spear and Shield (Level 130+)

Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (50)

Ebony Pandamonium Jian (Level 130+)

Pandamonium Hoard Pack

“Wish You Had It” Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (51)

Kapudan’s Boarding Hook (Level 130+)

Was in Sinbad Hoard Packbut not available anymore.

Alternative Damage (with Pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (52)

Qismah’s Focused Dagger

Crafted: Recipe fromIgnus Ferric

AlternativeDamage (with Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (53)

Dragoon’s Deadly Broadsword

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Damage (with Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (54)

Nimbari Praetor Scimitar (Level 130+)

Nimbari Hoard Pack

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (55)

Tormentor’s Shredder (Level 120+)

Harrowing Nightmare Pack

Recommended Balanced Offense

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (56)

Admiral’s Boarding Hook (Level 130+)

Sinbad Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced Offense

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (57)

Witch Hunter’s Arbalest (Level 120+)

Witch Hunter’s Bundle

Recommended Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (58)

Deathmetal Skull (Level 130+)

Road Warrior’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (59)

Eye of the Soothsayer (Level 120+)

Terror’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Balanced with Block

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (60)

Aquilan Charioteer Lance (Level 110+)

Immortal’s Lore Pack

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (61)

Lord of Death’s Dragonstaff

Drop from Darkmoor Graveyard

Other Death Wands of Interest

Alternative Damage (with Critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (62)

All Souls Cranium Wand (Level 120+)

Gloomthorn Nightmare Pack

Alternative Damage (with critical)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (63)

Wysteria Warrior’s Longsword (Level 130+)

Wysteria Lore Pack

Alternative Critical (with accuracy)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (64)

Polarian Explorer’s Pickaxe (Level 120+)

Polarian Explorer’s Bundle

Alternative Critical (with pierce)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (65)

Shard Warrior’s Hammer (Level 120+)

Jewel Crafter’s Bundle

Highest Block

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (66)

Teeth of the Lords of Night (Level 100+)

Shaman’s Lore Pack

Alternative Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (67)

Sherlock’s Eyeglass (Level 130+)

Great Detective Bundle

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Best Death Athames

For balanced athames, we prioritize power pips and two circle slots (typically for pierce or critical jewels).

  • Recommended Death Athames
  • Other Death Athames of Interest

Recommended Death Athames

Reminder: Other Death athames of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (68)

Lord of Death’s Razor

Drop from Yevgeny Nightcreeper

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (69)

Mercy of Shadow and Light

Drop from Morganthe

Alternative Balanced (Health & Block)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (70)

Dragoon’s Deadly Dagger

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Critical (PvP Only)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (71)

Duelist’s Fatal Razor (Level 100+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Death Athames of Interest

Alternative Balanced (with one less Circle Jewel slot)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (72)

Blade of the Felled Titan

Drop fromCronus

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Best Death Amulets

For balanced amulets, we prioritize pierce, universal resist, critical and helpful item cards.

  • Recommended Death Amulets
  • Other Death Amulets of Interest

Recommended Death Amulets

Reminder: Other Death amulets of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (73)

Shadow Queen’s Grace

Drop fromMorganthe

Recommended Critical and Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (74)

Death Seeker’s Talisman

Drop from Shane von Shane in Upper Halls

Recommended Resist (and 4-pip AoE)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (75)

Dragoon’s Deadly Charm

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Resist

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (76)

Jawniak’s Torc of Deceit

Drop by Rasputin

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (77)

Charm of the Soul Devourer

Drop from Chest behind Skeleton Key Door in Lower Zigazag

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (78)

Phylactery of the Wicked

Drop from Moh’Lharz

Other Death Amulets of Interest

Alternative Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (79)

Amulet of Divine Influence

Drop by Hades the Unseen

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Best Death Rings

For balanced rings, we prioritize power pips and a ciricle jewel slot (typically for pierce or critical jewels).

  • Recommended Death Rings
  • Other Death Rings of Interest

Recommended Death Rings

Reminder: Other Death rings of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage and Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (80)

Lord of Death’s Coil

Drop from Aphrodite II

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (81)

Dragoon’s Deadly Ring

Drop from Fellspawn and Crafted (Recipe from Zasha Emberforge)

Recommended Pierce (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (82)

Duelist Daredevil Ring (Level 100+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Highest Damage and Critical (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (83)

Duelist Daredevil Ring (Level 130+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Death Rings of Interest

Alternative Critical & Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (84)

Vanguard’s Deadly Ring

Drop from Fellspawn & the Devourerand Crafted (Zasha Emberforge)

Alternative Critical & Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (85)

Soldier’s Deadly Ring

Drop from theDevourer

Prior Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (86)

Deathly Paradox Ring

Drop in Spiritual Forest

Alternative Balanced

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (87)

Alpha and Omega Ring

Drop byGladiator Dimachaerus

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Best Death Decks

For balanced decks, we prioritize a triangle socket, critical, and max copies.

  • Recommended Death Decks
  • Other Death Decks of Interest

Recommended Death Decks

Reminder: Other Death decks of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (88)

Deathly Paradox Deck

Drop in Astral Forest

Recommended Balanced (Size & Copies)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (89)

Luphilim’s Grim Gallery

Drop fromOmen Stribog

Alternative Balanced (Copies)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (90)

Rasputin’s Wicked Hand

Drop from Rasputin

Highest Copies

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (91)

Lord of Death’s Bitter Hand

Crafted: Recipe Sold by Harker

Highest Damage (Treasure Cards only)

  • Sideboard 64
  • 500 Health
  • 10% Death Damage
  • 150 Flat Life Resist
  • Power pip

Life Deckathalete’s Deck 10

Crafted: Recipe Sold by Kara Runewright during Life Deckathalon

Highest Damage (with Trained Spells)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (92)

Gallery of the Woebegone

Drop by Bosses in Khrysalis

Alternative Balanced (PvP only)

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (93)

Duelist’s Devil-May-Care Deck (Level 130+)

Sold by Brandon Mistborn

Other Death Decks of Interest

Alternative Critical

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (94)

Grim Zanadu Deck

Drop by Bosses in Empyrea Part 2

Highest Pip Conversion

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (95)

Heavy Kalamar Deck

Drop by Bosses in Empyrea Part 2

Thanks to Wolf StormRiver!

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Best Death Mounts

  • Recommended Death Mounts
  • Other Death Mounts of Interest

Recommended Death Mounts

Reminder: Other Death mounts of interest are listed in the next tab.

Recommended Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (96)

Death Ghulture

Ghulture’s Hoard Pack

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (97)

Vulpine Avenger

Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle

Highest Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (98)

Clockwork Courser

Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet

Other Death Mounts of Interest

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (99)

Balance Ghulture

Ghulture’s Hoard Pack

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (100)

Battle Havox

Battlemage Keep Bundle

Alternative Pierce

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (101)

Festive Fox

Crowns Shop (Christmas only)

Alternative Damage

Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (102)

Battle Narwhal

Polarian Explorer’s Bundle

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Suggestions & Sample Builds

We provide gear suggestions for questing and PvP below. If you feel like we’ve missed an important gear piece, please let us know in the comments.

We also calculate the highest damage possible, as well as the highest damage possible with 100% critical. If you identify a way to get it higher, please share it and we’ll update the guide so it’s as accurate as possible for everyone else.

  • Gear for Questing
  • Gear for PvP
  • Highest Possible Damage
  • 100% Critical and Max Damage

Suggested Gear for Questing (PvE)

  • Hat
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Helm or Deathly Paradox Conical
    • Balanced
      • Krokopatra Oblivion Fez or Death Lord’s Veil of Woe
  • Robe
    • Baleful Light Brigade Armor, Death Lord’s Cloak of Woe or Bonesmasher Robe of Strife
  • Boots
    • Dragoon’s Deadly Boots
  • Wand
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Admiral’s Boarding Hook and others
    • Critical focus
      • Tormentor’s Shredder
    • Damage focus
      • Zamunda Spear and Shield, Qismah’s Focused Dagger and others
  • Athame
    • Lord of Death’s Razor or Mercy of Shadow and Light
  • Amulet
    • Shadow Queen’s Grace (for item blades), Dragoon’s Deadly Charm (for 4-pip AoEs) or Death Seeker’s Talisman
  • Ring
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Ring
    • Damage and Power Pip focus
      • Lord of Death’s Coil
  • Deck
    • Deadly Paradox Deck and others
  • Mount
    • Death Ghulture

Suggested Gear for PvP

  • Hat
    • Health & Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Helm
    • Balanced
      • Krokopatra Oblivion Fez or Death Lord’s Veil of Woe
  • Robe
    • Health & Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Armor
    • Balanced
      • Turquoise Eagle’s Raiment, Baleful Light Brigade Armor, Death Lord’s Cloak of Woe or Bonesmasher Robe of Strife
  • Boots
    • Dragoon’s Deadly Boots
  • Wand
    • Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Broadsword
    • Damage & Critical focus
      • Admiral’s Boarding Hook and others
  • Athame
    • Health and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Dagger
    • Balanced
      • Lord of Death’s Razor or Mercy of Shadow and Light
  • Amulet
    • Health and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Charm
    • Balanced
      • Death Seeker’s Talisman
  • Ring
    • Critical and Set Bonus
      • Dragoon’s Deadly Ring
    • Pierce
      • Duelist’s Daredevil Ring (Level 100+)
  • Deck
    • Deadly Paradox Deck (for stats), Luphilum’s Grim Gallery (for max copies) and others
  • Mount
    • Damage
      • Death Ghulture
    • Pierce
      • Vulpine Avenger or Clockwork Courser

Highest Possible Damage

Note: Excludes Life Deckathlete’s Decks, which can add up to 10% Death Damage if you’re only using Treasure Cards.

174% Death Damage:

  • Hat: Zamunda Tribal Helm (27% Death Damage)
  • Robe: Royal Fusilier’s Coat (26% Universal Damage)
  • Boots: Zamunda Tribal Boots (32% Death Damage)
  • Wand: Zamunda Spear and Shield (22% Universal Damage)
  • Athame: Mercy of Shadow and Light (17% Death Damage)
  • Amulet: Charm of the Soul Devourer (2% Death Damage)
  • Ring: Lord of Death’s Coil (12% Universal Damage)
  • Deck: Gallery of the Woebegone (1% Death Damage)
  • Mount: Death Ghulture (3% Death Damage)
  • Pet (max stats): With Death-Dealer, Death-Giver, Death-Boon, Pain-Giver, Pain Bringer, Mighty Jewel (21% Death Damage; 11% Universal Damage)
  • Gear Set Bonus: None

100% Critical and Max Damage

Note: Excludes Life Deckathlete’s Decks (if you’re only using Treasure Cards, higher damage may be possible with it).

844 Death Critical (100%) and 144% Death Damage:

  • Hat: Dragoon’s Deadly Helm (155 Death Critical; 25% Death Damage)
  • Robe: Baleful Light Brigade Armor (100 Death Critical; 20% Death Damage)
  • Boots: Dragoon’s Deadly Boots (129 Death Critical; 30% Death Damage)
  • Wand: Admiral’s Boarding Hook (120 Universal Critical; 17% Universal Damage)
  • Athame: Mercy of Shadow and Light with 2 Sparkling Death Critical Jewels (36 Death Critical; 17% Death Damage)
  • Amulet: Death Seeker’s Talisman (35 Universal Critical)
  • Ring: Dragoon’s Deadly Ring with 1 Sparkling Death Critical Jewel (121 Death Critical; 10% Death Damage)
  • Deck: Deathly Paradox Deck (50 Death Critical)
  • Mount: Death Ghulture (3% Death Damage)
  • Pet (max stats): With Death-Dealer, Pain-Giver, Death Assailant, Death Striker, Critical Striker, Thinkin’ Cap (64 Death Critical; 34 Universal Critical; 11% Death Damage; 7% Universal Damage)
  • Gear Set Bonus: 3 pieces of Dragoon’s Deadly Set (4% Death Damage)

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Any alternative perspectives on best death gear? Let us know in the comments!

Do you have screenshots for any of the death gear we are missing? Please email them to finalbastion@gmail.com. Thank you!

  • Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (103)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (104)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (105)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (106)
  • Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (107)

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Wizard101 Best Max Death Gear - Final Bastion (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 5897

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.